
What is Faith? Big subject, one that I have asked a definition for that would satisfy me in a number of ways. I asked this question in the high school of my pastor who was also our Bible class teacher, his answer "Well, you just have to have Faith." Wow, that was helpful. Thru the years I pondered this subject then let it go without coming to any real conclusion. Why did I not pursue this question to some kind of reasonable conclusion? I'm not sure, there could be a lot of reasons none more important than just plain apathy.

What changed? Getting older, searching for answers to life. The same thing that many people ask at one time or another when you have life experiences that create concern about what's next in this life or the next for that matter.
Here's a good definition from Mark Twain. "Faith is believing what you know
ain't so." How about what Paul the Apostle wrote, Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Here's a partial post of Kat from 10.15.18

" I have FAITH in the release of new technologies that will help heal and clean up Gaia, Her Kingdoms, and Humanity.

I have FAITH in Peace on Earth and Abundance for All.

I have FAITH that there is an ongoing battle between dark and light and I have FAITH that light is winning.

I have FAITH that Gaia, Her Kingdoms, and Humanity will Ascend into higher light dimensions where poverty, starvation, homelessness, perpetual wars, killing, poison, pollution, illness, lack, debt, corruption, crime, and cruelty cannot exist.

I have FAITH that Nova Gaia is a world anchored in Love, Kindness, and Truth.

And because I have FAITH in a Golden Age of Gaia, I will pray, bless, affirm, act and think that world into existence with every breath of my being.

So-my faith is the conviction of things not yet seen and I'm not giving up just when I have FAITH it's all about to manifest."

WOW!!!!! I wish I had thought of all those things. I've reposted this so that it may give you something to not only think about but to help you get some clarity in this troubling time we find ourselves in.

Joy be with you today.

Sora Blufaith, blog